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Refund/Transfer Policy

What is the refund/transfer policy?

  • Refunds/transfers must be requested in writing to our general inbox at at least 14 calendar days before the first day of class. There are non-refundable/transfer fees associated with your course (check your course page for the non-refundable/transfer fee).
  • Example of request: If the class begins September 23, 2024, the last day to request a refund or transfer will be September 9, 2024.
  • There will be no refunds or transfers granted for requests under 14 calendar days to the start of the class.
  • Reminder: Ensure the dates you pick align with your schedule prior to enrollment.

The Enrollment Process

Is there an application process for the EMT course?

There is no application process. Enrollment is open to the public.

How can I enroll?

You can enroll online, over the phone, or by coming into the office during business hours. We accept credit cards, cashier’s checks, and money orders. We do not accept personal checks or cash.

What happens after I enroll?

Once you purchase and enroll in a class, you will receive a confirmation email with all the course details. It is important to read through this email as it includes important details such as course information, course schedule, required account setup instructions, and the online orientation. You will receive further communication from your instructor as the course start date approaches.

I signed up for the waitlist. How will I enroll in the class?

If a seat opens, we will email everyone on the waitlist letting them know there is an opening on our website. All enrollments are on a first come first serve basis.

I remember seeing a course I wanted to enroll in, but it’s no longer there. Can I still enroll?

All available classes are listed on the website. If a class is no longer visible, it is likely full and can no longer accept additional students. If the waitlist button is visible, you can join the waitlist and receive an email if a seat opens.

Are there required materials for the course?

Yes, students must purchase the online textbook and Complio account.

Click here


To ensure they receive the correct account, students should purchase using this Link. Instructions on setting up the online textbook will be included in the enrollment confirmation email.

Are there any required vaccinations for the course?

For more details about the course’s health requirements.

Click here


The table shows the items acceptable for each requirement, including vaccination history, blood titer, or electronic declination.

A tutorial video is available to help you set up your Complio account and begin uploading the requirements.

Tutorial video

When should I start uploading my health requirements to Complio?

We strongly recommend uploading your requirements after enrolling in the EMT course. You may need to schedule a time with a physician to complete the health physical clearance form. All requirements must be met to complete the ride-along portion of the EMT course.

If I need health insurance, who should I contact?

Residents of Orange County can contact the Community Health Initiative of Orange County, a non-profit organization that offers support with Covered California, Medi-Cal, CalFresh, and CalWorks at or via email at


How much time outside of the classroom should be dedicated to the accelerated course?

An estimate would be spending approximately one hour outside of the classroom for each hour in the classroom. With the accelerated class, students should plan to dedicate their focus to becoming an EMT for the 5 weeks they are in class. Students are provided study guides and practice tests to help target studying and navigate the learning process. Time outside class can fluctuate based on the student’s previous knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and medical terminology.

How much time outside of the classroom should be dedicated for the hybrid course?

An estimate would be 4-5 hours preparing for each of the online sessions that take place on Mondays and Wednesdays. Most of the studying happens before the online classes, and students should follow the schedule to keep up with the fast-moving class. The online sessions for the hybrid courses are an overview of the content and provide opportunities for the students to dive deeper into the topics covered in the textbook. Students are provided study guides and practice tests to help target studying and navigate students through the learning process. Time outside class can fluctuate based on the student’s previous knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and medical terminology.

How many exams are there in the class?

There are 6-unit exams, a practice final exam, and a final exam. Students are also required to complete the skills portfolio, practice quizzes, and ride along shifts at Falck for successful course completion.

Is it possible for me to work or take other classes while taking the EMT Course?

Our hybrid course is designed for working professionals and students. While the course will take time both in class and outside of class for studying, many students are successful in the hybrid course while working and taking other classes.  Students taking the accelerated class are recommended to limit their outside commitments during the course.


What is the attendance policy for the accelerated course?

Accelerated students are required to be in class on all scheduled dates of the course. Absences exceeding 8 hours make the student ineligible for course completion.

What is the attendance policy for the hybrid course?

It is recommended that hybrid students attend all lectures.  Hybrid students are required to attend 1 live lecture (Monday or Wednesday) per week and may listen to the lecture recordings as a supplement. Hybrid students are required to attend skills sessions and may only miss one 10-hour skills session (Saturday & Sunday skills sessions) or up to two 4-hour skills sessions (Tuesday/Thursday skills course).  Absences exceeding this result in the student being ineligible for course completion.

How will my attendance be verified?

For onsite courses, students will sign in at the beginning of each session.  For online courses, attendance is monitored through sign-in and active participation by the instructor.

Ride-along Information

Where do I complete my ride along shifts?

Ride along shifts will be completed with Falck. Minimum requirements include 24 hours and 10 patient contacts. You will receive more information once the course has started and your prerequisite paperwork has been verified through Complio.

How much time do I have to complete my ride along shifts? 

You have 30 calendar days from the last day of class to complete your ride along shifts and submit the required paperwork.

Is there a uniform required for ride along shifts?

Students must wear a plain white collared shirt (e.g., a polo or dress shirt with no logos), black or dark blue slacks/medic pants, and black/dark closed-toe shoes. They must also wear their school-issued name badge on the outermost layer of their clothing and have neatly trimmed facial hair. Hair that is longer than the collar length needs to be pulled back. Required clothing is not provided and must be purchased separately (not available at Falck). Students must always carry a photo ID with their birth date.

Certification and job placement

When can I take the National Registry Exam (NREMT)?

The skill exam portion of the NREMT is completed on the last day of class. You may schedule the cognitive examination after you have successfully completed the course. You may apply for certification testing by creating an account and completing the online application at The Program Director will verify this application. You will receive more information on this during the course from your instructors.

What do I do after I pass the National Registry exam?

You can then apply for certification from the State of California, which is done by the Local EMS Agency.

How do I become licensed in Orange County? 

There is an application, fee, and background check. For more information,

click here.

Can I apply for a license in any County?

A student may attempt to attain state licensure anywhere in California. This is done through a local certifying agency, normally the Local EMS Agency or LEMSA. You will only apply for licensure in one county in California; however, it will work in multiple counties.

Is my California license useful in other states?

EMTs must be licensed within the state where they take the initial EMT course. After becoming certified by California, an EMT can apply for reciprocity in another state. Most states recognize the NREMT but may require additional documentation or fees.

Do you offer job placement?

While we do not guarantee job placement after graduation, we do offer and encourage the opportunity to apply for job openings at Falck, the Primary 911 EMS provider in Southern California.